Watch model: Humanium Chrono

Setting the time

1. Release the crown by turning it counterclockwise
2. Pull out the crown
3. Set the time by turning the crown
4. When time is set, push the crown all the way back
5. Secure the crown by turning it clockwise.

Using the stopwatch

This stopwatch is able to measure and display time in 1second united up to maximum of 29min 59sec. Stopwatch will stop automatically after running continuously for 30 minutes.

Measuring time with the stopwatch

1. Press button "A" to start the stopwatch.
2. The stopwatch can be started and stopped each time button "A" is pressed.
3. Pressing button "B" resets the stopwatch. Stopwatch minute and second hands return to their ZERO

* Button A and B do not function during resetting the stopwatch.

Stopwatch reset

This procedure should be performed when the stopwatch second hand does not return to the ZERO second position after a reset, and after the battery has been replaced.

Pull the crown out to the 1st Click Position.

  1. Press the button "A" to set the stopwatch second hand forward. Press the button "B" to set the stopwatch second hand back.

*The stopwatch minute hand is synchronized with stopwatch second hand.

*The stop watch second hand can be advanced rapidly by continuously pressing button "A" or "B".

 3. Once the hands have been zeroed, reset the time and return the crown to its normal position.